On the 8th of August 2023, he got an email from ‘Lori’, a woman who was put in contact by a local Porsche representative who thought Chris might be interested in helping her sell an old car that wasn’t seeing much use anymore. Just a few details in, it became clear that there was more here than met the eye.
“I was actually driving down the interstate when that email came in. I had to pull over to read it but I thought for certain it had to be a scam. There was a number at the bottom, so I called immediately. Lori answered and began to share the story with me. The car belonged to her father’s girlfriend Karen, who was now 88. She explained that Karen had bought the car at the factory in Germany when it was brand new, and it had been her baby ever since.
Lori had been shuffling the car around their garage for the last 20 years but by this point she’d been pushing Karen to sell the car. I’ve learned in life that there are some things you can’t afford, and others that you can’t afford to pass up. After a mental accounting of every cent I had, I set off for her cottage with a check in hand and a trailer on the truck.

Gold Dust Barnfind
Photographer: Alex Bellus
Chris Runge's mission to reunite his 63 year old Porsche with its one and only previous owner.
“Before we went to visit the car, I couldn’t sleep for days. Still wondering if it was even real, my mind swept through the entire air-cooled spectrum. What if it’s just a Karmann Ghia, or what if it’s a 4 Cam?! Finally, the time came to see it. My son Fin walked up to the car and I knew he was excited. He always plays it cool, always has. As we walk around it, Fin excitedly whispers ‘dad, is this a good one?’ I took a deep breath and said ‘buddy… this is a good one.’”
We’ve featured Christopher Runge on Type 7 before. In the custom car space, Chris is a unique talent. Starting a little over a decade ago with virtually no formal training, he learned by trial and error to shape full sized cars from raw sheet metal, producing a series of genuinely distinct one off designs from his workshop in Minnesota. Many of these pull their running gear and components from early air cooled Porsches and as a result, he tends to attract a lot of notice from that crowd.